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Waqas Anjum
Creating a website (blog) in order to receive Google Adsense was easy, I will give my experience with google adsense sign up so that my application is approved.

Quick tips for adsense accepted as follows:

1. Make a website with the domain. Com /. Net /. Org /. us (the least expensive. us = 5.5 U.S. dollars / year)

2. Choose a domain name with the English language and specific, for example: adsense.com

3. Write posts related domain name, the example above: about the advantages of adsense, do not write another.

4. Look for affiliate programs related ads adsense adsense and attach it to your blog, it gives the impression that the website (blog) you are qualified and have much to advertise, but do not at all times mounted fish from google adsense google make sure that your application rejected.

5. Number of posts about 15 posts, do not be posted each week at a time but such a post, Make it so that there are few visitors to your website, minilal 15 people / day, usually comes by itself.

6. It would be better if the old domain is already more than 3 months, a new age of 1 month if it does not matter if ya want to try, if you fail to try again next month.

Proven Tips that worked so I received google adsense, but I actually got tips faster than all that, do not have to wait a week, but not feeling a bit cheated when discussed because

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