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Waqas Anjum
Never registered as a Google Adsense publisher? It used around the year 2007 and previous years may be very easy, less than 1 week is no information from google, accepted or rejected. However, beginning in 2010 applying to Google Adsense is very old, some even up to 2 months there has been no news.

Here are tips for you quickly approved Google Adsense:

1. Use Blogspot

In order to facilitate the approval google, google-owned Blogspot, then it will likely be more quickly processed. Later, after approved you can add a website other than blogspot. But the email that you must register your email used for blogspot (the domain associated ownership / ownership of the domain (the blog).)

2. Use websites that age is more than 6 months, and of course, already indexed in google.

3. Articles written in English, will be better.

Can you copy and paste articles from several sources such as articles from ezinearticles.com goarticles.com or conditions included with the source, and the better you edit first.

4. Number of posts at least 5-10 pieces.

The original post is more appreciated, postings do not contain SARA, por-nografi, contains harsh words, anger and the like.

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