1f4x00JgoL5v0cTBcTDuUAgD9Dc >
Waqas Anjum

Waqas Anjum
Follow the steps given

below :-

  1. Hold down the 'Windows' Key and Press the 'Pause/Break' button at the top right of your keyboard.

    Another way is Right-Clicking 'My Computer' and then Select 'Properties'.
  2. Click on the 'Advanced' tab.
  3. Under 'Performance', click

  4. Then click the 'Advanced' tab on the button that pops up.
  5. Under 'Virtual Memory' at the bottom, click 'Change'.
  6. Click the 'Custom Size' button.
  7. For the initial size (depending on your HD space), type in

    anywhere from 1000-1500 (although I use 4000), and for the Maximum size type in

    anywhere from 2000-2500 (although I use 6000).
  8. Click 'Set', and then exit out of all of the windows.
  9. Finally, Restart your computer.
  10. You now have a faster computer.

Waqas Anjum
This method will help you in downloading resumeable files from Rapidshare, Hotifle and all other website which do not provide resumeable downloads.

Follow the following steps :-

1. Make an account in http://getlink.net/ (its free) and Confirm Your Email.

2. Sign in to your account in getlink.net

3. Click on "Convert Links". Add your link which you want to

download and click on "convert my links"

you will get another link.

4. Copy that link to address bar and hit enter.. and enjoy.. :)

For Example:

You have a link http://


So you'll get a link like


Waqas Anjum
Really cool trick. I used it many times in school computers making everyone think that there's virus in the computer. All computers were linked so I could do this to all of them.

Just follow these steps :

  1. Select any folder
  2. Right click on it,press rename or simply press f2
  3. Press and hold alt key while holding alt key type no. 0160 from numpad
  4. Press enter and nameless file and folder will be created use numpad to type and not simple horizontal number keys.

Congrats! Your folder is now nameless.

Waqas Anjum
A young and pretty lady posted this on

a popular forum:

Title: What should I

do to marry a rich guy?

I'm going to be

honest of what I'm going to say here.

I'm 25 this year. I'm very pretty, have

style and good taste. I wish to marry a

guy with $500k annual salary or above.

You might say that I'm greedy, but an

annual salary of $1M is considered only

as middle class in New York My

requirement is not high. Is there

anyone in this forum who has an

income of $500k annual salary? Are

you all married? I wanted to ask: what

should I do to marry rich persons like

you? Among those I've dated, the

richest is $250k annual income, and it

seems that this is my upper limit. If

someone is going to move into high

cost residential area on the west of

New York CityGarden(? ), $250k

annual income is not enough.

I'm here humbly to ask a few

questions: 1) Where do most rich

bachelors hang out? (Please list down

the names and addresses of bars,

restaurant, gym) 2) Which age group

should I target? 3) Why most wives of

the riches is only average-looking? I've

met a few girls who doesn't have looks

& are not interesting, but they are able

to marry rich guys 4) How do you

decide who can be your wife, & who

can only be your girlfriend? (my target

now is to get married)

Ms. Pretty


Awesome reply:

Dear Ms. Pretty,

I have read your post with great

interest. Guess there are lots of girls

out there who have similar questions

like yours. Please allow me to analyse

your situation as a professional

investor. My annual income is more

than $500k, which meets your

requirement, so I hope everyone

believes that I'm not wasting time

here. From the standpoint of a business

person, it is a bad decision to marry

you. The answer is very simple, so let

me explain. Put the details aside, what

you're trying to do is an exchange of

"beauty" and "money": Person A

provides beauty, and Person B pays for

it, fair and square. However, there's a

deadly problem here, your beauty will

fade, but my money will not be gone

without any good reason. The fact is,

my income might increase from year to

year, but you can't be prettier year

after year. Hence from the viewpoint

of economics, I am an appreciation

asset, and you are a depreciation asset.

It's not just normal depreciation, but

exponential depreciation. If that is your

only asset, your value will be much

worried 10 years later.

By the terms we use in Wall Street,

every trading has a position, dating

with you is also a "trading position". If

the trade value dropped we will sell it

and it is not a good idea to keep it for

long term - same goes with the

marriage that you wanted. It might be

cruel to say this, but in order to make a

wiser decision any assets with great

depreciation value will be sold or

"leased". Anyone with over $500k

annual income is not a fool; we would

only date you, but will not marry you. I

would advice that you forget looking for

any clues to marry a rich guy. And by

the way, you could make yourself to

become a rich person with $500k

annual income.. This has better chance

than finding a rich fool.

Hope this reply helps. If you are

interested in "leasing" services, do

contact me...


CEO J.P. Morgan

I have taken this from facebook note of my teacher, Anmol Tak.

Waqas Anjum

An Android OS Tablet PC for $35?? Are you kidding me? Well, not according to the video below. India’s $35 Tablet PC looks promising, and could make a move into Apple’s territory. Check Out The Video below.

Waqas Anjum

Hi everyone, I found many people from India and Pakistan facing problems getting their Google AdSense account approved. This is because Google has become very strict with people from India and Pakistan because most of spammers and click exchangers are from these two countries. Also, if you are from some other country where there are many spammers then you may face difficulties getting your Google AdSense approved.

I also found many people selling there accounts on youtube. That's a bad thing to sell stuff which is available for FREE. Also, I would like to clear it to you that all videos teaching to "Create a Google AdSense account" or "Get your Google Adsense account approved" are fake.

All you need to do is to sign up for Google AdSense and fill the form and in the field where you have to fill your blog/website url just type www.carcabpool.com and you are done. You will soon get an email confirming your approval. Enjoy your earnings.

Comments are welcome.

Due to the many mails that I have recieved since i published this post complaining that the trick is not working for them, I have written another trick here. But let me tell you one thing, this trick works and I myself got my account approved by using this. Maybe it stopped working due to the large number of people who saw this post and tried it. I recieved 7 or 8 mails from people who got their account approved, however I got more than a 100 mails claiming they were unable to get it done.
Waqas Anjum

Make use of technology to make your work faster, improve efficiency and to reduce the manual work. With the advanced technology developments you can also communicate faster.
Instructions to Save Time by Using Technology
If you think your work needs a computer then buy a personal computer that meets your needs. You also require software for various programs such as word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, desktop publishing, personal information management, accounting and virus protection.
You should organize a filing system on your personal computer with documents which are descriptive and folder titles. Delete the documents that you don’t require any more.
Your e-mail message should be short and direct. You should send documents as attachments to the e-mail.
You should limit your e-mail volume by screening all your inbox messages by subject header. Stop al the spam messages or block them.
Make maximum use of your telephone. You can use caller ID which displays the name and number of the caller to screen your calls.
Use headset to talk if you are on computer. You can also divert your calls and receive voice mails.
Make use of a cable modem, ISDN line or DSL connection for your phone, fax and computer. All these connections are faster than modems.
Check your e-mails and calls twice a day.
I hope the above article is helpful for you in knowing about how to save time using technology.
Thank you for reading the above article. Please leave your valuable comments on the above article “Save time using technology”
Waqas Anjum
Online money making has become so popular that most of the people prefer it as the main source for making money. Google Adsense helps you in advertising ads on different websites and fetch you money. You can also earn money blogging. This article helps you in knowing more information regarding blogging for profit.
You can make money blogging through affiliate programs.You can write and post an article based on the subject related to the affiliate site of which you are advertising. By using the affiliate link in the body of your site and doing so, you can make your reader to click the link of the site for which you are writing. You can also increase the web traffic by making relevant links to your post.
You ca also make your readers connected to other links as there will be internal linking and readers can get a whole good of information which helps you to get started in blogging so as to make profits online. You should present your content skillfully such that the readers will click the links of the affiliate site without taking a thought.
You can also increase the web traffic by monetizing your blog in a way by advertising links beside your blog. Go for PPC advertising so as to get traffic to your site. This helps you in making such text links effective.
Other way of making money on your blog site is by sponsered posts. In this concept you will be paid by the advertisers from the advertising revenue if you write about their product or service. This way you can make profits online.
I hope the above article is helpful for you in knowing about making profits online.
Thank you for reading the above article. Please leave your valuable comments on the above article “How to start blogging for profit online


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Waqas Anjum
Google Adsense is the advertisement company,which allows the users to make money by posting the targeted advertisements on the personal websites or the blogs.Firstly visit the Google Adsense website at www.google.com/adsense and join.Joining process takes some days so just have patience to have your account set up.You can start creating HTML to add your website by displaying targeted ads once you have fully joined and has been activated.
You can create the ads of your choice by customizing the colors, sizes and layouts of each ad.Place the HTML on your web site or blog and this will create ads to your viewers based on the content of the web site. For example if you have a web site relating health,ads involving health products will be shown up.
Finally,you have to track your earnings and log on to the Google AdSense website and earn your daily earnings by week or by month.You have to earn at least 100 dollars in order to take a pay out from Google Adsense.
Thanks for reading the post.Please send your valuable comments.

Waqas Anjum
Thank God the last month I get about $ 680 from adsense. It's not the worst that much income from a more expert, but as a newbie, I should be grateful. And thanks to a forum (a very useful science), sata income from the previous month continued to increase. Ok deh ..

1. I focus on One Niche (Main Website)
The focus of the blog wrote dlu. By this ane be easier to concentrate on building a high-quality blog. Ane principle if choosing a niche that is profitable and who choose not seasonal. "Profitable" can mean multiple income (advertising, selling ebook, banner, affiliate, etc.). "Not seasonally" means to be a hot trend at a particular time (Valentine, Halloween, Blackberry, etc.). Keyword and choose who agan like (), this will help us let ga bored blogging. Oh yeah have a niche blog ane wedding. Quote: blogging is the initial goal of long-term bwt. Looking at google trends, wedding topic was the subject who is stable every month and every year. And also I saw in spyfu, keyword wedding has a "Click Per Day" which is bad. Oh yes, according to ane another reply reply profitable niche is golf, photography, home improvement. Besides profitable, it also has a niche target market who have the buying power (great when added to an affiliate).

Looking for ideas to choose a niche blogs by ane: google trends (http://www.google.com/trends), spyfu (http://www.spyfu.com/TopList.aspx?listId=29), amzonebestseller, shopping.com (http://www10.shopping.com/top_searches).

2. How to Build My blog:

Quality Content
Content is good, unique, and always update is a major factor. Make your articles are unique and provide ideas and solutions for our blog readers. Oh yes, almost all the content in blogs, write my own (which Copas sometimes here and there anyway, he he). Reference the article I got from google, other people's blogs, magazines, and ebook. Oh yes, another way to make the content unique blog you can also get here.

I Create a Blog The Interactive
Interactive here means visitors can participate in our blog. I provide the vote, polls, shoutbox for my blog visitors. Features that can jazz up my blog with their talk.

Learn Techniques Adsense Placement
At the forum, many tips on how to order the placement of adsense ad clicks for visitors aroused. Please seek. Oh yes, notice also adjusted to the background staining adsense blog. This helps disguise the adsense ads on your blog. In addition, adsense look neat and more inviting to be clicked.

Visit to one niche or a blog related to your niche blog. I blogwalking once every 3 days to nearly 50 blog type (which always try to look for updates) for comment (Remember do not spam), as a result of the blogs I visit, many have volunteered to put my blog link in their posts and even in blogrool in free (can backlink deh). Try to do regular and consistent blogwalking loh.

Give Something Buwat Visitor Guide
I gave some free ebook (of course who degan topics related blogs) which can be downloaded by readers. I think this could add value.

Importance of SEO
Try our blog URL so search engine friendly. For reference please search on google.

Social Networking
This is my blog as a media campaign. I am active on facebook, twitter, Identica, Technorati, myspace, digg, etc... All links to my main blog. And most importantly, active in the appropriate forum niche blogs. Embed a link there. How to find a live forum type in google: "keyword" + forums. For example my blog about the wedding means type in "wedding" + forum.

Patience and perseverance is the key
Strengthen mental for 3 months (my experience) does not generate any money from blogging activities. Quote bored anyway but ane must continue to believe. I built this blog from 2010.

Waqas Anjum
Never registered as a Google Adsense publisher? It used around the year 2007 and previous years may be very easy, less than 1 week is no information from google, accepted or rejected. However, beginning in 2010 applying to Google Adsense is very old, some even up to 2 months there has been no news.

Here are tips for you quickly approved Google Adsense:

1. Use Blogspot

In order to facilitate the approval google, google-owned Blogspot, then it will likely be more quickly processed. Later, after approved you can add a website other than blogspot. But the email that you must register your email used for blogspot (the domain associated ownership / ownership of the domain (the blog).)

2. Use websites that age is more than 6 months, and of course, already indexed in google.

3. Articles written in English, will be better.

Can you copy and paste articles from several sources such as articles from ezinearticles.com goarticles.com or conditions included with the source, and the better you edit first.

4. Number of posts at least 5-10 pieces.

The original post is more appreciated, postings do not contain SARA, por-nografi, contains harsh words, anger and the like.

Waqas Anjum
Page rank, backlinks, Google SEO, the first term I did not understand. Well now maybe little by little began to understand. The purpose title above is how big the influence of page rank websites to put our website on the front page of google. Before discussing these we peeled understanding of each term.

Page Rank (Rank website)

Page rank, used as a measure of the popularity of our website in the eyes of other websites. Page rangk lowest is 0 (zero), and the best ten (10). Examples detik.com page rank 7 while my website is currently http://adsense-weapon.blogspot.com still 0 (zero).

Back links (links from other websites to our website)

Page rangk website is very influenced by the number of back links, more and more websites with high page rank which provides a link to our website, then the page rank of our website will be raised. Examples, eg detik.com provide a link to http://adsense-weapon.blogspot.com http://adsense-weapon.blogspot.com then at least its page rank will be raised from zero to one.

Google SEO (keyword optima google)

SEO: Search Enggine Optimation, is the way in which we go to the website on the front page of google with a few search keywords. The more you are an impact on a good keyword for so people can find your site, it will be better.

Effect of Page Rank in Google SEO

Page rank is actually not very influential, or even can be said to have no effect on Google SEO, meaning that even though our website page-rank zero could still occupies the leading page in google when searched with certain keywords. What is needed is the content of websites that contain key words, can the post, or tags, or title of the website and so on.

Waqas Anjum
After our google adsense account is approved by google, it's time to make money by advertising on a blog (website) we are, because if the ad is clicked someone else then we will get money from google.

The way to make the ad as follows:

1. Visit http://google.com/adsense and enter your adsense username and password and click Sign in

2. When the box appears "Create first adsense" or something like that at the click alone (this only appears the first time only, if ever at the click then after that it will not appear again)

3. Click My Ads --- click New Custom Search Enggine

4. Please Title and type the keywords you want to use, google will automatically choose the type of advertising on its own (generally near the keyword).

5. After edit the color and so on, click Save and Get Code

6. Copy and paste the code that you get in your post or on your widget

7. After you install the script code, access your website, should have been performed

Remember do not own at the click yes :), because if indicated at the click itself in a more than 15 times the IP will be banned your adsense. Feel free to try.

Waqas Anjum
Creating a website (blog) in order to receive Google Adsense was easy, I will give my experience with google adsense sign up so that my application is approved.

Quick tips for adsense accepted as follows:

1. Make a website with the domain. Com /. Net /. Org /. us (the least expensive. us = 5.5 U.S. dollars / year)

2. Choose a domain name with the English language and specific, for example: adsense.com

3. Write posts related domain name, the example above: about the advantages of adsense, do not write another.

4. Look for affiliate programs related ads adsense adsense and attach it to your blog, it gives the impression that the website (blog) you are qualified and have much to advertise, but do not at all times mounted fish from google adsense google make sure that your application rejected.

5. Number of posts about 15 posts, do not be posted each week at a time but such a post, Make it so that there are few visitors to your website, minilal 15 people / day, usually comes by itself.

6. It would be better if the old domain is already more than 3 months, a new age of 1 month if it does not matter if ya want to try, if you fail to try again next month.

Proven Tips that worked so I received google adsense, but I actually got tips faster than all that, do not have to wait a week, but not feeling a bit cheated when discussed because

Waqas Anjum
Inserting Adsense code and then leave it alone probably will continue to provide revenue for the installer, especially if the blog site / have a high visitor traffic and most loyal visitors. However, unfortunate if the result is only so and so just. Actually, the intention is not to attach Adsense, hehehe...

If you look at some examples of websites / blogs successful Adsense publisher, we can really maximize revenue from Adsense by a relatively easy way. I've tried and it may be useful for colleagues who are looking for ways to increase revenue from Adsense. Please try some of these tips, the monitor within a few days or weeks and see the results.

1. Use Lay Out the Right

Many of us who put Adsense code but leave it alone. Yes some easy examples of my own blog, lol... I've tested the layout changes on several other blogs and the results can be improved even though the relative amount was calculated. If we want to maximize your Adsense income from your blog layout, we can use some of the layout has been optimized for Adsense. The author is most Adsense publishers, and when seen from the form layout, theme or template that is made is the fruit of experience is concerned.

2. Maximize The Number of Ads

In accordance with the Adsense TOS, we can put 3 Ad units, 1 Link unit and 2 units of Referrals in 1 page. Maximize Adsense revenue by displaying ads form on the page, but be sure not to damage the overall shape of articles and pages. Do this several times to test until you find the right format.

3. Apply Section Targeting

If you already have a blog that is optimized, we can achieve the optimal Adsense revenue if the advertisements that appear really relevant to the content of the article. Use this section targeting. Only, it is still difficult to do if the contents of the blog / web site in the Indonesian language, unless the material covered is quite specific and have pretty much ad variation.

4. Use The Channel

Use channels to perform tracking, shape and position of each ad that delivers maximum results. There is nothing wrong we substitute the formation and location of placement if the results are not much or not at all.

5. Try Format 336 X 280

Based on personal experience and reading and reading experience of other publishers, 336 X 280 ad format provides higher revenue than any other form. Use this ad to a position adjacent to the articles written.

6. Optimization With Color Blended

Tidy up your blog / website to make it more colorful mixture (blended) with the ads displayed. For Firefox users, addons Color Picker can be used to obtain a detectable amount of Hexadecimal color.

Some of the tips above are the observations that I apply myself, may be useful.

Waqas Anjum
After becoming a member and placing Adsense ads on your blog page, does not mean your work is finished and just waiting for earnings from Adsense, there is still much to be done. Here are some tips on Adsense success that most of my quotations from the book written by Adsense Secrets Jubilee Enterprise (the book you MUST have in order to successfully dismantle the secret Adsense and optimize your income).

Following the development of TOS (Terms of Service)
Adsense TOS program frequently changed or updated, the things that previously could have turned into legal or illegal should not be done anymore. For that follow the development of the TOS or the regulations issued by the manager such as Google Adsense Adsense, Adbrite, and the like. If it is legal and has now turned into an illegal still you hold, most likely your account will be closed by the manager Adsense.

Choose the Right Form Ad
Choose forms of advertising that suits your blog.

Choosing Color Display Ads
Use the ad background color matches the color of a web page or blog, as well as the size and typeface.

Selecting Position Ads in Blog Pages
Place in a position to click on those ads, attract people's attention. Usually at the bar right or left, or at the beginning of this article is much better.

Use Adlinks Unit
Do not dismiss this adlink unit. Most people think advertising is far more important Ad Unit to ignore the Adlink units. Adlink Units placed in proper position for example in the row of menu tabs, so that the impression as if the menu page of the blog.

Statistics and analysis controlling Adsense checks
Perform continuous evaluation by examining and analyzing the statistics of visitors who click on ads. Do not just wait.

Do not Ignore Adsense Channels
Creating channels of each ad that you plug in your blog. This is useful for analyzing your Adsense statistics.

Note the development of Adsense
Follow the progress as well as your notes Adsense, setbacks and evaluation. Soon find where the deficiency.

Do not Invite Visitors To Click Ads
Do not invite people to click your ad, for any reason. This can cause your account closed by Google. Do not try this because it will surely get caught.

Do not make an instant blog
Do not assume that only the capital of your blog will surely have a substantial income through Adsense. There are still technical and other business to be done. Blog needs to be nurtured to produce.

Do not create a site full of ads
This is not good to create a blog full of ads. What's a blog full berganggapan ads will more likely produce a large number of clicks, just the opposite will keep visitors away from saturated and your blog shortly.

Do not Wait Adsense
Most blog owners are awaiting the results from Adsense, they think makes a blog kept waiting for the tide Adsense ads next to the living. Like the store, your blog needs to be treated, promoted (as with SEO techniques) and others.

Do not just rely on Adsense alone
It should be understood, through the internet rather than just income through Adsense alone. Perform such development with the affiliate program and take advantage of others.

Create an article in accordance with the targeted keywords
Make your blog as possible and tailored to the targeted keywords ynag. Do some keyword research to find out what else is appropriate to your blog.

Optimize Keywords
Try each article contains the main keyword targeted. Optimize your keywords with SEO techniques to get your blog ranking in search engines.

Do not Show Your Blog huge income
This action is considered arrogant and will invite people to drop it. They could have done with the hope of click fraud accounts will be closed by the owner of the blog provider Adsense

Waqas Anjum
Some recent how to make money with adsense auctions on eBay:
Google AdSense Passive Income - How to Make Money with Online Advertising
US $5.99 (0 Bid)
End Date: Thursday Dec-15-2011 11:59:58 PST
Bid now | Add to watch list

How to Make Money with GOOGLE ADSENSE Easy Cash Course
US $2.99
End Date: Tuesday Dec-27-2011 8:43:01 PST
Buy It Now for only: US $2.99
Buy it now | Add to watch list

US $2.49
End Date: Wednesday Dec-28-2011 1:42:36 PST
Buy It Now for only: US $2.49
Buy it now | Add to watch list

Waqas Anjum
Click here to find out more!
Waqas Anjum
I received an email from Google Adwords with 20 promotional coupons for new client acquisition and each offers $100 in free clicks. These are all valid codes at the time of this posting, and are offered on a first come first served basis.
I received these Adwords coupon codes a while ago but unfortunately my Google Professional certification expired and now I cannot use them for existing clients.
These Adwords promo codes also only work on new accounts, so it may be worth creating a new account to utilize these free clicks. These are my gift to you for the new year.
Adwords coupon codes are below:

















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Here is a direct link to get $75 Google Adwords coupons. Note that you must use this link to get the credit on your new Adword account.
We would love to hear how you are using your free Google ad credits in the comments.
Cell no 00923027852964
Skype Name:  vickygee964
email : waqasanjum@live.com

Waqas Anjum
I have been blessed by the Google Gods with free PPC money, and am sharing it with you. I have adwords coupon codes that are available for multiple accounts and will give you $100 off all pay per click advertising using the special link here.
So use these free vouchers on new Google Adwords accounts today:






















Here is a special trick to get your ads into your ads into prospects email accounts.
Adwords Free Money
Coupons can only be used on new accounts, one per account, and they do not work with invoicing or manager-defined spend and expire after a single use.
To existing users with adwords accounts, these discount codes need to be used with a new ad account. Google is constantly adding new codes, discounts and sales landing pages. Here is the new URL for the discount offer at google.com/adwords/offer
To apply the voucher, once you’ve created a new account and completed the billing details, click on the ‘Billing Preferences’ tab, and enter the voucher code when prompted.
Don’t delay, activate this $100 promo coupon before it expires.
Share your love in the comments, through tweets and bookmark this site as there will be more promotional code offerings in the future.
Here is a link to activate your Google Adwords Coupon: Get My Adwords Coupon Now
Please tell us how you are using your free Google money in the comments.
*bonus tips*

Look for domain name registrars and web hosting companies that offer Adwords credits for new accounts.
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More adwords coupons coming soon, stay tuned for huge special offers.
Cell no 00923027852964
Skype Name:  vickygee964
email : waqasanjum@live.com@gmail.com

Waqas Anjum

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You need more web site visitors and more sales.

Your web site is not listed on Google’s first result page.

You want to lower your advertising costs.

The per click prices are too high for your Google AdWords ads.

Many web sites compete with your site.

Your current Google AdWords campaigns have not been successful.
Waqas Anjum
Purchase the genuine method of adsense account approval from me only for .This works in almost any country and you can create adsense accounts for any country by using this method.I call this as an adsense account trick since it helps you to get account without much head ache but it is an genuine method and involves no cheating.

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email:  waqasanjum@live.com
Skype Name:  vickygee964
cell :  00923027852964
Waqas Anjum


Want to Make Huge Money with adsense? Not possible the normal way? Ok,we are here to help you with an adsense earning trick and so far the best trick ever shared online.There are people selling adsense tricks to make more money but all of these tricks get your account banned within a short period of time.But i have a trick which i use personally for over 5 months and have never experienced any account ban,or warnings from google.
Now Im Ready to Release it to the Public for making some additional amount of money.

Features of this Slow Adsense Earning trick:

  1. You can do it free
  2. You need not buy any service
  3. Your adsense account will not be disabled.
  4. You can do it fast,not time consuming.
  5. Huge Earning potential.

Features of Fast Earning trick:
  1. Earn very fast
  2. Very easy setup
  3. Security measures included
  4. You can start earning within few minutes from now.
  5. No softwares to run.
.How Much You can Earn Using this trick:
Using this trick(both the tricks) i make a normal of 20-50$ per day without investing anything except 25 minute work everyday.you can make more if you implement this method exactly as i say in this ebook and spent more time.You already know about my ability to create adsense accounts on the fly and now this is just another release from my part to make all earn good money from google adsense.
Im giving this trick for an all time low cost .Don’t expect it be lower than this because people out there are selling non-working tricks for more than $100 and using their method you will get your account banned.But you will never lose your adsense account,when using my trick.I guarantee 100%.

Cell no 00923027852964
Skype Name:  vickygee964
email : waqasanjum@live.com
Waqas Anjum

Adsense Full approval

Need GENUINE ADSENSE ACCOUNT just in 3 hour???

International accounts also available!!! like canada,Pakistan, malaysia, belgium, india, nepal etc

OR Learn GOOGLE  ADSENSE GENUIINE APPROVAL TRICK and u can Full approve as many adsense accounts as you want!!!
Skype Name:  vickygee964
Waqas Anjum
We Can provide genuine google adsense accounts without any risk. Even if your account was banned before,you can contact us for new adsense account….
Genuine Adsense Account
Adsense fully approved
Adsense fully approved
*Getting approval for Google Adsense Account is very difficult nowadays :

* I am here to help you guys to get approval for Google Adsense Account

* If you have any Questions also just email me

* We approve adsense accounts for Worldwide.

* If you need Google Adsense Fully Approved Account, Just Contact
Call For Detail
Cell no 00923027852964
Skype Name:  vickygee964

Waqas Anjum

SQL injection is a code injection technique that exploits a security vulnerability occurring in the database layer of an application. The vulnerability is present when user input is either incorrectly filtered for string literal escape characters embedded in SQL statements or user input is not strongly typed and thereby unexpectedly executed. It is an instance of a more general class of vulnerabilities that can occur whenever one programming or scripting language is embedded inside another. SQL injection attacks are also known as SQL insertion attacks.

Forms of the vulnerability

Incorrectly filtered escape characters

->This form of SQL injection occurs when user input is not filtered for escape characters and

is then passed into an SQL statement. This results in the potential manipulation of the statements

performed on the database by the end-user of the application.

The following line of code illustrates this vulnerability:

statement = "SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `name` = '" + userName + "';"

This SQL code is designed to pull up the records of the specified username

from its table of users. However, if the "userName" variable iscrafted

in a specific way by a malicious user, the SQL statement may do more than

the code author intended.

example, setting the "userName" variable as

' or '1'='1

Or using comments to even block the rest of the query (there are three types of sql comments):

' or '1'='1' -- '

' or '1'='1' ({ '

' or '1'='1' /* '

If this code were to be used in an authentication procedure then this example could be used to force the selection of a valid username because the evaluation of '1'='1' is always true.

The following value of "userName" in the statement below would cause the deletion of the "users" table as well as the selection of all data from the "userinfo" table (in essence revealing the information of every user), using an API that allows multiple statements:

a';DROP TABLE `users`; SELECT * FROM `userinfo` WHERE 't' = 't

This input renders the final SQL statement as follows:

SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `name` = 'a';DROP TABLE `users`;

SELECT * FROM `userinfo` WHERE 't' = 't';

While most SQL server implementations allow multiple statements to be executed with one call in this way, some SQL APIs such as PHP's mysql_query(); function do not allow this for security reasons. This prevents attackers from injecting entirely separate queries, but doesn't stop them from modifying queries.

Waqas Anjum
Hi friend we have great list this site provide free domain for life time.This site have better control panel and also use for redirection of your original site to another site.read full list


  cz.cc provides free domain regsitration service. You can register  all available domain names instantly. They offers free or paid dynamic dns server with full MX, CNAME, A and SOA records. The service they provide is exactly same as .co.cc. 

Register on .cz.cc


co.tv is strong yet free domain registration service provider. You are limited upto 3 domains with single user account. Like .co.cc, .co.tv also supports full MX, CNAME, A and SOA records. Register on co.tv


Tokelau or .tk allows any individual to 

register domain
 names. Users may register domainnames free of charge (with some restrictions). In addition to the name itself, users can opt to forward their web traffic using HTML frames and their email traffic, with a maximum of 250 addresses per user log in, or use full DNS service, either via their own or third-party servers, or by using DoT TK's servers. Register your free Domain Here.


.co.nr has free domain name package was designed to provide domain name free, subdomain services mainly for advanced internet users, who have some basic knowledge about the DNS (Domain Name System) and process of setting up name servers as well as other DNS records (NS, A, MX, CNAME, TXT, etc.) for the domain name to work properly. Also it provides subdomain hosting, i.e. subdomain.domain.co.nr. Register your free Domain Here.

Waqas Anjum

We found new trick to get free Skype voucher code after our last successful trick free skype voucher codes [This trick is also working currently] we found one facebook application  that work fine also work for me.

NOTE : This trick is works for only US Peoples. so Use US Proxy for use this trick 


Step 1 : After set US Proxy go to this Facebook Application

Step 2 : When u like this page it will Tell you to  generate code

Step 3 : Generate your skype voucher code

Step 4 : Copy it and Paste it in to your Skype REDEEM account 

Step 5 : You will see success message

Step 6 : If you want to reuse this trick UNLIKE Page and follow all steps 

Waqas Anjum

Google Wave is an online communication and collaboration tool that makes real-time interactions more seamless -- in one place, you can communicate and collaborate using richly formatted text, photos, videos, maps, and more.

A wave is a conversation with multiple participants -- participants are people added to a wave to discuss and collaborate on its content. Participants can reply any time and anywhere within a wave, and they can edit content and add more participants as a wave develops. It's also possible to rewind waves with the playback functionality, to see what happened, and when.

See in video :

Waqas Anjum

How to Get Adsense Approval Easily

How to Get Google Adsense Approval Easily in Quick Time. Step-by-step procedure to get adsense approval within 3 days.
It is very easy to get Google Adsense Approval even you are residing in India. You cannot wait for 6 months to get approval for your website. You can get adsense approval within 3 days maximum. But you have to followGoogle Adsense Approval Processbelow strictly to get approval in quick time and in genuine way. I now explain you step-by-step you have to follow these steps correctly to get easy approval.
1.Register a Domain (Paid Domain not a free website or blog) You must be the owner of the domain. That domain consist of keywords. You have to register your domain name with extension of .com / .org / .net . Don't register domain name with your country extentions or any other extentions other than the above three. It is not only useful for Google Adsense Approval but also help a lot in SEO. If you select correct domain for your website that exactly or perfectly matches your content then your work is 50% done.
2. Your website must be professionally designed. (You can use Dreamwaiver or Ms-Frontpage or Photoshop) for this if you are not familiar with web design. Then you can give it this work to web-design companies. If you need any help in Web-design I will help you.
3.Your website content not copied from other blogs or other websites. Don't copy any content from other websites. You cannot get approval. My sincere advice is write your own content. Your website must consist of atleast 20 to 25 pages of Quality, Unique content. You have to prepare content for your readers not for search engines remember this.
4.You have design your website according to Google Webmaster Guidelines. If you need any help don't hesitate to call me. I am ready to help you. Then you have to register your website with Google Analytics and Google Webmaster Tools. Submit Site Map of your website to Google for easy crawling. You have to access the source code of your website (i.e HTML Code of your website)
5.Then create one g-mail id exclusively for Google Adsense. Don't use this g-mail id for personal or business or Google Adwords use.
6.To join this Google Adsense Program you must be 18 years of age.
7.Your payee name must match the name of your Bank Account. Either it is Savings Bank Account or Current Account. You can register your business as payee name or use your own name as payee name.
8.You have to write your address correctly. No mistake in this address. Because once your account reaches 10 US dollars Google will send one PIN-NUMBER Card to your address to confirm your payee name and address. Then you have to login your Google Adsense Account enter this PIN number in the required box (in My Account Tab) and confirm you are the payee.
9.Another thing you have to select best web host for your website. Because you have to make sure your server or your website not facing Malware or Spyware or Trojan virus problems or slow-server response in future. So select the best web-host in the starting stage itself.
10.Optimize your website content SEO friendly to get most out of the Search Engines.
11.Use Title Tag, Meta Keywords, Meta Description and Feedburner tags correctly. Make sure all your HTML Codes properly closed.
Now we come to the Stage How to Fill Google Adsense Application Form
1.First you have to fill the URL of your website like thishttp://www.yourname.com. Don't forget to put http:// before your website name. Otherwise, your website not accept by Google.
2.Website Content Language is always English. Don't select any language other than English for your website. This is my humble request to all my internet friends. You cannot get approval or you cannot get more visitors if your website is in other language. So prefer English as your language of the content.
3.Please Tick both boxes
I will not place ads on sites that includes incentives to click on ads.
I will not place ads on sites that includes pornographic content or illegal content.
4.Now choose Account type. Either you can choose Business Account or Your Personal account as your payee name.
5.Your Payee Name must match the account of your name in Bank Account.
6.Enter Door Name, Street Address, City, Country, Pin-codes, zip code correctly in appropriate boxes. While filling the Adsense Application form don't divert your attention, concentrate hard to fill the form. Because it is one time fill up form. You cannot going on changing the content of the form regularly unless and until you will get the approval. Once you get the approval you can change the address in My Account tab. Except Payee name you can change anything in the Adsense Application form.
7.Then enter your phone number, e-mail preference to receive occasional news letter and announcements from Google.
8.How did you find Google Adsense. For this you can always select friends and colleagues.
9.Then you have to accept the Adsense Program Policies set by Google.
10. Click the Submit button, if you have already g-mail account you can login with that account otherwise create a new g-mail account. That's all once you login. It shows with 1-2 days your website will be review and get approval.

Waqas Anjum
Just to clarify, I may not like China but that doesn't mean I hate China. My grandfather is born in China.

CNN's Jack Cafferty said:

"I don't know if China is any different, but our relationship with China is certainly different," Cafferty said. "We're in hock to the Chinese up to our eyeballs because of the war in Iraq, for one thing. They're holding hundreds of billions of dollars worth of our paper. We are also running hundreds of billions of dollars' worth of trade deficits with them, as we continue to import their junk with the lead paint on them and the poisoned pet food and export, you know, jobs to places where you can pay workers a dollar a month to turn out the stuff that we're buying from Wal-Mart.

"So I think our relationship with China has certainly changed," he said. "I think they're basically the same bunch of goons and thugs they've been for the last 50 years."

I agree with Jack. Many of us uses China product, they are best describe as disposable. Even my dad who is very pro-China agrees with me. Yes, they are cheap because they are disposable.

The other thing I don't like about China's remarks on Jack "slander" on China government AND Chinese people. What do they mean by Chinese people? Yes, I know that the Chinese American (or do they mean Chinese citizen living/working in America) is protesting against the "slander" by CNN's Jack. I am a Chinese but I am not a bit anger by Jack, rather to a huge extent, I applaude his courage and aptness to make such a comment on a international program.

"Chinese people" is too general a word to use. "Chinese national" will create zero confusion. I know that I am of Chinese descent but that doesn't mean I need to be on the China's side. How about Taiwanese, Chinese Canadian, Chinese Indian, Chinese Thai, Chinese Indonesian, Chinese Malaysian? They are all descendant of Chinese. I am very sure that they do not feel oblige to pledge their allegiance to China.

Are you first a Canadian then a Chinese (by ethnic group)? Are you first a Indonesian, then a Chinese (by ethnic group).

I am first a Singaporean, then a Chinese ( by ethnic group).

What is your opinion?



Cost of U.S. Wars Since 2001